Thursday, January 31, 2008

Jan. 31, 2008 (Day 7) - Priorities

I've spent the last week trying to overcome a cold that has been hanging around for the past couple of weeks. I suppose the long hours I spend painting, followed by even more hours spent teaching pitching lessons, lifting, and throwing has begun to take its toll. My typical day begins at 6 am and doesn't end until I get home around 8pm. Although I am truly blessed to have such a consistent, well paying job as a painter, it is by no means easy work. In spite of the 7.5 hours of sleep I get a night, I am generally exhausted by the end of the day.

In addition to being physically taxing, with a month to go before I leave for Spring Training, the time constraint that working 45 hours a week puts on my personal pitching training has become prohibitive. So it is for these reasons that I've decided to ask my boss (and friend) if he'd accept my resignation a week early. I am ecstatic about the prospect of sleeping in, getting healthy, working out in the morning, pitching when High School lets out, and then get my lessons done earlier. I didn't come to this decision lightly. Instead, it came down prioritizing the different aspects of my life.

With a month to go, my focus must shift almost entirely on preparing for my upcoming baseball season. This extends to all aspects of my life: sleep, lifting, nutrition, bullpens, and frequency of pitching lessons. Obviously, my bank account will suffer some as I will rely solely on my pitcing lessons for income until I leave. Also, spending time with my family, friends, and girlfriend are also important to me as my departure nears. I pride myself in keeping close bonds with all of those I just mentioned and am determinded to make sure they know this, but at the same time, leave nothing to chance as I prepare. Without questions, my quest to be a big leaguers comes with many sacrifices, especially with regards to my family and significant other. I am blessed to be fully supported by both. It really is their support that allows me to maintain my focus where it needs to be, and for that, I am eternally thankful.

I am heading to visit my sister at college this weekend. Hopefully a small token of my appreciation.

I am excited to focus on only baseball.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Thanks for visiting bro!
And do know, I will be a constant visitor to this blog now that i know you have it ;) so keep me updated!