Thursday, February 7, 2008

Feb. 7, 2008 (Day 14) - Purchases

Life can be classified in terms of purchases, all aspects of it. This past week marked the start of Lent on Wednesday, the start of my pitching off the mound on Tuesday, and the start of my new car loan on Thursday. In many ways, each of these events represents a purchase of some kind.

I enjoy Lent, because it signifies a time in my life that I can recommit how I live my life to better act as Christ would want me to. For the past few years I've given up drinking any alcohol for lent. It's actually coincided nicely with the beginning of my training for the baseball season and subsequent spring training. I like to think that its no accident that the things I try do for God also help me achieve a goal that I hope is also God's goal for me. During Bible study this week, we descibed Lent as giving up some of our time and giving it to God. In a way, we are gladly paying or purchasing a more Christ-like life using our time (usually spent in unChristian was) as money. So in that light, in addition to giving up alcohol, I've decided to devote more time to reading the Bible. In fact, my commitment this Lent season is to read atleast a few chapters each day. It's only day 2 of Lent, but so far, so good.

The second 'purchase' of my week invovles time as well. I began throwing bullpens off the mound for the first time this Tuesday. I am no longer working for the painting subcontractor in the morning, so I have a lot more time to work out and also meet with my old high school pitching coach to work on my mechanics. I will be throwing off the mound with him on Tuesdays and Thursday until I leave. My first 2 'pens have gone very well. My arm isn't at its strongest point, but I"ve been happy with where I am at at this point. So, to prolong the metaphor, I am purchasing a stronger arm and better pitching mechanics with the extra time I've given up paiting to work out more and throw more often.

Finally, the real purchase of my week involved thousands of real american metaphor needed. I bought a car this week. Its exactly what I'd been looking for and very excited to have a new ride to take me to tucson this year. It was a lot more money then I've ever spent on anything before, but once the shock of the sticker price wears off, I'll be nothing but happy with the car. It's a bit daunting having so many new expenses, but I figure now's as good a time as any to make a decision like this one. My payments aren't too bad, and if everything goes as planned, I'll just make payments while I'm away at ball and then hopefully pay it down a little better next off season.

Hopefully all of the purchases I've made this week will continue benefit me in the long run. I would say so far, they are designed to do just that.

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