Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Feb. 24, 2008 (Day 31) - Positive Strides

It's been a busy couple weeks. After buying my car, I've been spending the majority of my time continuing my preparation for the up-coming spring training. Now its the Tuesday before the Saturday that I start my cross country drive to Arizona. In the last few weeks I've made quite a few positive moves to get ready. The bullpens have continued to progress and the arm strength is where it needs to be. I'm happy with how well and injury free (knock on wood) I've been so far. The only complaint being a sore lower back which can most likely be attributed to the increase in baseball activities instead of just lifting weights.

Since I quit my painting job, I've seen quite an increase in my pitching lessons with my current clients wanting more lessons and new clients coming on board. I had been a bit apprehensive about making enough money to last me until I left, but it appears I've been blessed. So instead of working all day and then doing lessons, I've been able to work out in the morning, see my girlfriend at work and then go throw with my pitching coach and head to the indoor facility for lessons in the evening.

In the past week, I also had two different speaking engagements that I had been anxious to complete before I let. The first was a chance to give my testimony as the guest speaker at an Upwards Basketball end of year celebration ceremony. Although a bit nervous before it started, this opportunity proved to be a perfect way for God to work through me and speak through me in a way that I felt truly "spoke" to the audience. Numerous parents approached me after the ceremony, thanking me and telling me their own personal stories about how what I said affected them. As much as I enjoy church, the feeling I have after sharing my testimony in that fashion is incredibly powerful.
The second speech a gave was a chance to give back to my former high school baseball team and former teammate/current head coach of my high school. On Saturday, I was asked to be the guest speaker for my old high schools baseball camp. In addition, I lead the campers in the pitching portion of the program. This was equally as fulfilling in a slightly different way. Although not directly spiritual in nature, I feel that by giving the campers good advice and hopefully becoming someone they can look up to, then it is equally beneficial as a direct testimonial.

So now I have a few more days to get my life together before I leave...packing, organizing, and still throwing and training.

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